Gary, first of all, I'd like to say sorry for the offending words.

I had been thinking to answer your first email (yesterday), and counter that
by facts, but said to myself, "It's Sunday", so I hoped, that others would do
so (which they did by now) and you would not try to insist. You choose
different and with my response we again started a bigger discussion and that
partially got out of control.

Yes, we all know, that Oracle has a very different approach (from what we knew
from Sun) to communications, and yes, we all need to get used to that. As
Svein put it some emails ago:

> Relax, it was renamed "2010.H1" not simply "2011" so far. I'll start to
> worry when they rename the awaited release to "201x" ;)

So, trying to FORCE some reaction by blaming someone or some alias, who has no
way of changing anything, is simply the wrong approach. So, if you are unhappy
about the fact, that a.) there's not yet an OpenSolaris 2010.H1 DISTRO and b.)
that there is no communication about when such a distro might be released, you
should try to figure out, whom to ask. We've stated many times on this alias,
that the right person to ask would be an Oracle Sales Rep. Yes, sadly, there
might not be one for an OpenSource user with no business relationship, but as
the others here, who have such a relationship already pointed out: You might
need to build some trust.

We all have to wait and see... The big outbound marketing event from Oracle is
called Oracle Open World. That's the major event. You might think about going
to San Francisco and complain there, IF (and only IF) there would not have
been a new distro by then... There you might be able to find people in person
to talk and complain to.

So, let's put this discussion aside, it's fruitless and will lead nowhere...

    Matthias Pfützner    | mailto:pfu...@germany | Ich lieb' Dich halt, da kann
 @work: +49 6103 752-394 | @home: +49 6151 75717 | man nichts machen.
  SunCS, Ampèrestraße 6  | Lichtenbergstraße 73  |
    63225 Langen, FRG    | 64289 Darmstadt, FRG  |     aus: Freunde für's Leben
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