
the reason we're silent is at least twofold, I guess...

1.) We simply don't know
2.) There had been way to much discussion with negative, even offending words

Eric and Alan did at least try to describe, why we have to be silent. 
Procedures at Oracle currently do not differentiate between money-making and 
non-money making products. They apply to every outbound messaging...

We all hope, it might change sooner then later, but those are currently wishes... We employees 
discussing with you here are way to low in the foodchain, so we don't have any insight into upper 
management's thinking or their pending decisions or the reasons for decisions being in pending 
state... We perform the same interpretation based on the same set of information. And we are new 
inside Oracle, so we don't know very much yet on what's "doable" and what's to be 

The only thing we know for sure, is, that Oracle tends to perform big 
announcements at Oralce Open World... And then some smaller announcements once 
a quarter (like the x86 announcement this week)... But we also do not know, 
what's going to be announced...


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Robert Milkowski <>
Gesendet: 2.7.'10,  10:14

On 01/07/2010 22:03, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
Ken Gunderson wrote:
Thank you sincerely for clarifying that effectively everyone outside of Oracle 
with an interest in this somehow came to same deluded conclusion that there was 
going to be a 2010.H1 release.
I didn't say that - clearly there were plans and schedules previously discussed
that were not met (and they were always plans and schedules, not contracts or
guarantees) - I just said that there was no public statement yet about what the
new plans/schedules are.

While I can understand it when it applies to commercial only products it 
doesn't make much sense
when applied to open source products being in development.

I wouldn't except Oracle to publicly commit to Solaris 11 date but I would 
definitely expect them to allow their engineers the same amount of freedom Sun 
did when it comes to publicly talking about OS development. Basically what 
happened recently is that all of you guys went totally silent here. Then there 
are no new dev builds in form of a distro and there is no new stable osol 
release either. At the same time there is no clarification on why, etc. It is 
just plain wrong.

I hope Oracle will realize it rather sooner than later.

Robert Milkowski

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