Alan, I might just make a bumper sticker out of that....


On 7/1/2010 3:03 PM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
Ken Gunderson wrote:
Thank you sincerely for clarifying that effectively everyone outside of Oracle with an interest in this somehow came to same deluded conclusion that there was going to be a 2010.H1 release.

I didn't say that - clearly there were plans and schedules previously discussed
that were not met (and they were always plans and schedules, not contracts or
guarantees) - I just said that there was no public statement yet about what the
new plans/schedules are.

This is why companies like Apple & Oracle usually don't preannounce schedules
months in advance - no disappointment when any of the dozens of things that can
cause software schedules to change or be missed happen.   This is software -
slip happens.

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