On 07/25/10 11:23 AM, Shawn Walker wrote:
On 07/24/10 04:17 PM, Ian Collins wrote:
On 07/25/10 10:27 AM, Shawn Walker wrote:
The version of pkg(5) that will be part of b144 should deliver
somewhere around a 20% or greater performance improvement in transport
performance when used with a properly configured web and/or depot server.

If we ever get to see b > 134!

The source is there, and you can build it you know ;)

The source is also here, and I'm getting close to the point where I will!

Once upon a time in a land far away I worked for a small company who chose to base a product on their own Linux distro. I warned them it would all end in tears, but they went ahead anyway. The support and testing costs killed it in the end. That's why I shy away from building my own OS!

Alternatively, you could use the bits someone made available on genunix.org for b142:


I've seen that and it's a job very well done.


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