
The purpose of the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot function is to permit
walking data structures that are constantly changing by creating a
read-only copy that will not change.  The returned HANDLE points to a
unique snapshot.  Walking the contents of the data structures in this
snapshot is thread safe.
Has anyone else faced such RAND_poll() related crash before ?
Where was it then? Point is that if above (with snapshot being
read-only copy) held true, then we wouldn't have this discussion,
would we? Or at least switching to TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS wouldn't make
difference... I see no other option then to assume that either
snapshot is not really a snapshot or CreateToolhelp32Snapshot itself
is not thread-safe.
I don't have enough information to perform the analysis. As documented, CreateToolhelp32Snapshot is supposed to create a read-only snapshot. Hence the reason I asked for the minidump.

Yes, of course. It's just that as you answered "yes" to question "has anyone else had problem" I assumed that you ran into it at some point too. I mean my "where was it" targeted you as potential "somebody else":-) A.
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