Thanks all for responses.

Andy::I will try appending your piece of code in the end of md_rand.c


>I would like to see a minidump with heap for an instance of an
>application crashing in this circumstance.  I will require the source
>code to the test application, the matching binary and symbols.

How do we create a minidump ?


>The applications that have experienced the problem that I am aware of
>are services that either execute before other dependencies have started
>OR have called OpenSSL from within DllMain().

Yes. Even in our case there is an executable (slbroker.exe) which calls a
function within a DLL (logevent.dll). We are calling SSL_connect() from
within the DLL function....   all SSL related work is done by the DLL only.
The executable is a separate product which is using our DLL.


>The important question is "where is the crash?"  Is the crash occurring
>within the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot function call?

Yes. But to be precise, the DLL doesn't return from the SSL_connect() due to
as a result, the EXE is crashing.


>Your application can all RAND_add() and provide an alternate source of
>random data.  If there is sufficient random data available, RAND_poll()
>will not be called.

Ok. Lets say I call RAND_add() much before calling SSL_connect(), but how do
I make sure there is sufficient amount of random data available ?

I see there is a KERNEL code block in RAND_poll()....

Since we will already be having a lot of randomness with the seeding done by
USER EVENTs...  Would it not be okay if I totally comment out the KERNEL
code block ?


One more question...
I am new to OpenSSL. Can someone suggest me what is the recommended way of
debugging (or logging) through OpenSSL ?
I made my own functions to log my debug statements in a file. But is
there anything
already available ?

Thanks again for all the help.


On 10/7/07, Andy Polyakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We were using OpenSSL in our product, but lately after testing on Vista,
> > our application was was crashing (only in Vista) in SSL_Connect(). (It
> > worked fine in XP)
> >
> > After debugging through OpenSSL we found that within RAND_poll() it was
> > crashing in a win32 api function snap(TH32CS_SNAPALL,0).
> > ...
> > Has anyone else faced such RAND_poll() related crash before ?
> There was another report about RAND_poll in Vista, but trouble is that
> it's irreproducible in simple test applications.
> > Is there anyway I can bypass that RAND_poll() call (as described in the
> > last paragraph of
> >
> Can you test if below code makes your application work by appending it
> to crypto/rand/md_rand.c? Idea here is to call RAND_poll from code which
> is [believed to be] serialized by Windows. A.
> #if defined(_WIN32)
> #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>=2
> static int premain(void) __attribute__((constructor));
> #endif
> static int premain(void)
>         {
>         if (!initialized)
>                 {
>                 RAND_poll();
>                 initialized = 1;
>                 }
>         return 0;
>         }
> #if defined(_MSC_VER)
> # if defined(_WIN64)
> #  pragma section(".CRT$XCU",read)
>     __declspec(allocate(".CRT$XCU"))
> # else
> #  pragma data_seg(".CRT$XCU")
> # endif
>     static int (*p)(void) = premain;
> #  pragma data_seg()
> #endif
> #endif
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