Hi Steve,
My own experience in my company is that OpenOffice is perfectly suited for track changes in a collaborative env. Ok, allright, it cannot offer a line by line diff as in cvs systems, and return to specific version and so on, but the track changes can help.

In my company, we were using latex...and track changes was in fact even more complicated with it.
Not talking about "tables" and "graphics" that were painful.
OpenOffice gives the advantages of various worlds : wisywyg, open format, quite robust for big doc compared to other similar products,..
xml based...

Be careful before going away back to some raw xml format...even if it is better than latex.

a question : Are you thinking to use "LyX" editor to produce Docbook ?

Anyway I  have 2 comments :
1/ fips guide seems good like it is : regularly updated and maintained. I do not think that people claimed for a wiki on that,
so I think it can stay as it is.

2/ wiki was called by some of us to improve some old doc that do not seem to evolve regularly and that miss some details, explanations, samples.

For the moment I would recommend that the wiki focuses on lib doc and command line doc, and not on fips guide.

Well...now a question : I am not an expert with mediawiki format, but will you have also that "version control" issue with that format ? how to solve it then...
or maybe it is not relevant for the wiki, but only for the fips guide...


Le 20/03/2013 00:16, Steve Marquess a écrit :
On 03/19/2013 04:04 PM, Pierre DELAAGE wrote:
hmm, Steve I highly suggest that we have a look at ...OpenOffice and its
various export filters.

for mediawiki it is there :

for Docbook the filter is embedded (never tested by myself..).

Does it help ?
Well, I haven't specifically tried Libreoffice filters for ODF to
markdown but the OpenSSL FIPS User Guide is currently in ODF and that's
what I'm trying to get away from.

A major drawback of ODF is that is can't easily be version controlled in
a collaborative setting. Now that there are several people contributing
content to that document the ODF format is very limiting, hence the
ongoing attempt to convert to docbook. That has turned out to be a bit
of a challenge but I'm still hoping to pull it off.

-Steve M.

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