>2 or 3

your time of course ;-)

> And in any case, I personally wouldn't trust a shared OpenSL library
> just yet.  There are just too many things that are about to change...

i've seen - i'm playing hell on keeping up on what's going on.  You and
Geoff on the engine work as well as Steve starting on the asn - he's
doing much more of the interim step, while i changed focus, dropped
snacc as a compiler and am writing a template driven engine to handle it
much as what eric was talking about in frankfurt.  Unfortunately It's a
MAJOR rewrite and couldn't incorporate without a major version (OpenSSL
2.0.0 maybe more like 200.0.0)  I figure if he's doing 20k for ssl-c i
should be able to knock off 30 ;-).  I do really like the design steve's
focusing on right now though with the c2i, i2c implementations -
skipping the headers on IMPLICIT decodes and go straight to the content
is a good idea.  One "Evil hack" down the drain.  So who's gonna rework
the evp stuff ;-)

> It's good to know there's a human resource that knows this well :-).
 I wouldn't go that far--

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