On Tue, 2006-05-30 at 14:37 +0200, Marcel Hilzinger wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 30. Mai 2006 14:22 schrieb Kenneth Schneider:
> >
> > You must also like MS windows with all of it's virii/worm spreading
> > capabilities as that is what you are asking for here. 
> Never worked with Windows, so I don't know what you mean ;-)
> > What happens when 
> > you need to remove someone from being able to update software? I see no
> > means of removing them from ZEN.
> Then it's a design mistake of ZEN, which has to be corrected.
> > Security, security, security, security  -must- always be number one when
> > designing software. If people want something to run like "windows" tell
> > them to install MS windows. -NOT- requiring the root password when
> > installing software opens up a huge hole in security.
> You forgot, that installing without the root password is not the default. So 
> root/the user has to add a user/himself.  Security vs. usabiltity is a never 
> ending theme, but that's not the most important one: Even more important than 
> security is _choice_. 

True, if you want a less secure OS use MS windows. If you want a more
secure OS use linux

> If a home user does not want to type the root-password each time he is 
> installing a program, then this is his choice.

Then just login as root all the time.

Again, linux is not MS windows and should -not- be made to act like it.


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