On Wednesday 12 July 2006 16:13, houghi wrote (shortened):
> Will create_package_descr still be able to make .sel files, or will
> it be completely removed?

create_package_descr  has never created .sel or .pat files. 
create_package_descr   is only "responsible" for the creation of 
the /suse/setup/descr/packages* files.

> As far as I understand, I could just add OOo and then during
> installation will install all dependencies?

Yes. Thats one thing the resolver does (hopefully ;-).

> What happens when I then 
> want to deinstall OOo? Will it recognise the extra things it
> installed, or will that still be left behind?

Should be nearly the same as "rpm -e OOo"...

> What about things I installed with rpm -Uvh?

No problem with that - it's the same behavior as bevore. This has 
nothing to do with patterns ;-)


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