While I agree with everyone of them, I must say yes we cannot do all the
things we want to, maybe we lack the creativity or if we have the
creativity we lack the skill and even if we have both we lack time. I am
not defending anyone. 

So if you want to do something productive or have an idea just start it
rather than waiting for others to do it for others. If you feel you lack
the skills, try to do it still prepare a rough sketch / article and
people will barge into it and improvise it but if you have an idea and
do not begin NO ONE will be able to help anyone. So I will say DO BEGIN

Anyone willing to put their hands up for this one, or for your own Geeko

1. Libre Office ( I am working on this one, I have an interview with
Petr Mladek ) which I will compile and give as soon as possible.
2. GNOME 11.4 
3. KDE on 11.4
4. LXDE on 11.4
5. XFCE on 11.4
6. Sneak Peeks Of 11.4
7. Hosting Server PHP MySQL APACHE on 11.4 
8. Collecting Screenshots for 11.4, Installation, Desktop Screenshots
etc (Kim )
9. Wallpaper Ideas
10. Feature List
11. openSUSE For Developers
12. Presentation Update for 11.3 from 

Anything come on guys,

Thanks a lot Kim for Volunteering for the screenshots.


On Sun, 2011-02-13 at 21:31 -0500, Chuck Payne wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 8:55 PM, Helen South <helen.so...@opensuse.org> wrote:
> >> Giving ideas is cheap, but asking not to give ideas if you can't produce is
> >> counterproductive to brainstorming.
> >>
> >
> >
> > I see where Jos is coming from, but I also agree that brainstorming is
> > a good thing.
> > Many of us have loads of good ideas that we don't have the skills to
> > bring to fruition.
> > Often ideas put forward by one person will be picked up and developed by 
> > others.
> >
> > So I think, keep the great ideas coming.
> >
> > Having said that, we need a lot more "I'm doing this right now" and
> > less "we should do this".
> >
> > Ideas are 'a dime a dozen' - what matters is hard copy.
> >
> > In novel writing we always say "you can't edit a blank page", and it's
> > great to see so many people
> > putting this into action - lots of great creativity going on right now!
> >
> > cheers
> >
> > Helen
> >
> > (Rajko: my apologies for double send, hit wrong reply yet again....)
> >
> >
> > --
> > IRC: helen_au
> > helen.so...@opensuse.org
> > helensouth.com
> > --
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> >
> >
> I guess I am lost. I thought Jos was asking for ideas. Please forgive
> me, if I read it wrong.
> While we are the subject of talk and no actions. Guys we have drop on
> distrowatch from Number 4 to 5. We were number four almost a year. It
> sad to me to see three debian like distro (Ubuntu, Mint, and Debian)
> in the top five.
> I think it time to stop the talk, and walk the walk. We got a lot of
> work with LESS than a month a way for openSUSE 11.4. Let's getting
> back up to #4, let focus. I am not a cheif, by not means. But as
> Indian (Native America for those that speak PC), I am ready to hear
> the strategy team has to say, I hope we all fall in line to the beat
> of the drum that give us, wage battle to break pass number 4.
> Sorry, but I been reading all these items lately. I am tried of
> reading, to me reading is darkness. I want to see light. I want to see
> people get a fire in them. I want to see them push to the light.
> Pup
> -- 
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