On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 9:50 PM, Helen South <helen.so...@opensuse.org> wrote:
>> I guess I am lost. I thought Jos was asking for ideas. Please forgive
>> me, if I read it wrong.
> Yes he is; but ideas that people want to 'own' and act upon - and I
> think he means really with the context of that specific Studio
> discussion, as it needs to be focused and actionable. So I fear we've
> taken the thread rather off topic there.
>> I think it time to stop the talk, and walk the walk. We got a lot of
>> work with LESS than a month a way for openSUSE 11.4.
>> Pup
> I think we're heading in the right direction, Chuck. There were a lot
> of reasons for that drop in rank I think, none of which I'm going to
> state here (we all have our ideas on that!) but there is definitely a
> feeling of excitement in the air right now. Check out the beautiful
> artwork that is going on as well as lots of creative ideas people are
> coming up with.

The problem is we have few people doing things. We have a lot people
talking. People that were assign task, not working on the task they
were asked to do. Leaving others to do it by themselves.   Talking
about Identity, should be one or the other. Too many people are trying
to set themselves up at managers. I think at the next marketing
meeting we need to lay out a strong direct then move from there.

I know that I come off to many as the grumpy ole' man, but I am sorry,
we need to let those that are projects lead. I only saying this
because I been sitting on the edge for the last couple of weeks, we
are about to fall into the abssy.  We need to get focus.

> I'm really looking forward to the Hackfest, I think it's going to be a
> fantastic opportunity to really pull all these ideas together and
> create a lot of good stuff.

> All of which is TOTALLY off topic from Jos's original email so....
> back on topic ....
> I'm a little bit clueless about how newsletters actually happen but
> I'd be happy to contribute with writing something if someone gives me
> a specific task. For example, "Helen can you write me 500 words about
> image editors on openSUSE, by next friday" or "Helen, can you
> interview Jane UberDev about her latest Bretzn plugin"... I can do
> that.
> cheers
> Helen
> --
> IRC: helen_au
> helen.so...@opensuse.org
> helensouth.com
> --
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