Le 25/05/2011 00:22, Izabel Valverde a écrit :

In Brazil we can easily buy a PC with linux, sometimes a terrible
distro inside, and you are right about the buyers soon change for

like for the netbooks some said "hourrah, we can have XP in place of Linux", because the linux installed was odd.

May be in Brazil the situation is different. I'm pretty sure the people that replace Linux by windows don't pay the $200 bill corresponding but use "free" one!

the best thing we could do should be to target one computer make and issue an install dvd certified for this make. But this should be done by country (localisation mandatory) and I don't think we have the man power to do that. Don't forget many openSUSE applications *don't work at all* because we couldn't test all sufficiently.

testing the install is the first thing to do, we iobviously don't have enough testers


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