Hudibras wrote:

No, no, don't take care of this. I have two daughters, and the have
their own computer. They know mine is untouchable. I already knew you
were asking me for this. So that problem, discarded.

given the nature of the files desapearing, I wonder. Don't ever think openSUSE is censoring your files, this is not possible, but people can access such file and cause problems (may be by accident)

And why not? I had all these disappeared files in different partitions,
hard drives and even directories.

so what? how do you think any distribution can do such thing? 1 April joke? you said this happen several month ago? how can you trace that? how can you be so sure not to have deleted them yourself?

I have just said to another lister that it's a bit strange to see only
certain types of files disappearing. And for instance, why disappear the
links to adult material only?

this can only be done by a human... not a computer. What mean éadult" foir a computer

Ram? Why? Tellico was closed; Konqueror was closed; any multimedia app
was closed!
Why Ram? I don't understand.

please, be calm. how can you know when the file was gone?

Certain links in konqueror bookmarks have in common anything to Tellico
databases, for example? Please, tell me.

date, reference in some index, size, any system (software) failure have to get some common thing. a failure is part of a programm and act like it, only hardware can be pure random (and rarely)

access? all accessed recently? could them be all in ram when problem occure?

if only part of the ram is faulty, yes. anyway it's easy to test, do it!

Oh I assure you I missed several printings of my invoices when using

these are not files

indicates me that is also impossible, due to the unique kind of files
that lose by themselves.

this is only human action, not computer...

Yes! Several gigs of jpg, video files, and all Tellico databases (twenty
or thirty megas of my CD's), and of course links in my konqueror
bookmarks. is this serious?

even a small loss is serious, but the problem is different given the size. a ram problem is smaller than the total computer ram (probably)

your one may be hard drive problem, cable problem (between the motherboard and the drive), but definitively, if it's content related don't blame the computer.

do you, by chance, use WIFI network? is it locked?


Lucien Dodin, inventeur
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