
Only put the jar file (hsql.jar) in your lib dir. 


Richard Woodward

G8 Labs Ltd.

Direct Dial (04) 9393414
On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Alex Johnson wrote:

> Hi All...
> I'm sorry to ask such a basic question, but I have searched the archive 
> with no luck.
> I can't make Hypersonic SQL work. I have downloaded hsql version 142 and 
> Orion 1.2.0.
> I believe my problem is confusion about where everything goes. The docs say:
> 2. Put the hSql directory under /orion/lib/
> When I examine the hsql distribution, I see the top level directory is 
> "hypersonicsql", not hsql. So, I unzipped the hypersonic distribution below 
> the orion/lib directory (which I suspect is wrong).
> I then modified the data-sorces.xml as indicated by the doc, changing the 
> username and password attributes.
> When I restart Orion, I get:
> C:\orion>java -jar orion.jar
> Error initializing server: DriverManagerDataSource driver 'hSql.hDriver' 
> not found
> I expect this is a simple problem, but I can't find the solution and would 
> appreciate any help offered. What should it say when it does work?
> Thanks in advance...
> Alex

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