On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Stanislav Maximov wrote:

> Does anybody in this list have the site running Orion? What is the traffic?
> Any problems with Orion?
> Do you know some big sites running Orion?

I don't have *the* site running Orion, but I've run www2.orionserver.com
right after the 1.0 announcement, to take off a lot of the US load... as
far as traffic, during that period it was pretty high, but not really
*superheavy* traffic. I can say that on the little P166 running it and
orionsupport and a few other web sites as well, I had no problem, and
that's with relatively little RAM (64 MB) and using a lot of relatively
memory-intensive things (EJBs, XSL transformations, etc).

Biggest probem with orion is still the docs.

Joseph B. Ottinger               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://cupid.suninternet.com/~joeo      HOMES.COM Developer

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