
>extensions with Orion in a few OSes, etc.). I definately wouldn't mind Open
>Sourcing any of the Orion tools, but whether we can do so depends on how much
>the specific tool uses parts of the interals of Orion and how much it uses
>something that can be abtracted into a nicer API. Obvious good contributions
>would be well documented examples with step-by-step guides on how to do
>something using Orion.


while your thinking about cleaning up code to release an API we can code 
to, could you spare a thought or two (or maybe ask on this list) what 
server callbacks you could expose (like beforeShutdown() as has been 
requested many times on this list)? please include as much of the 
management api as possible. it's so frustrating that I'm still not able to 
force an application to reload classes using the service console without 
redeploying it (it's possible by removing the application from server.xml 
and putting it back in).  I'm sure it would be just a few hours work to 
code a simple management servlet for that purpose, which would speed up our 
development cycle considerably, if I had an API for that. I'm quite sure 
that there are many of these little things that other orion users would be 
able and willing to do. once you define a suitable environment (==APIs) 
this approach scales rather well. just look at jboss (which I'm sure you do 
;-). they are no competition right now but wait a few months, they are 
gaining momentum every day because of their plugin architecture. it is a 
strange phenomenon that many orion users seem to be as dedicated to the 
software as if it were OSS. you are not really utilizing that very much 
(still no faq-o-matic, no contrib area). people are begging you to let them 
help you. please take the chance and do something about that. the only con 
I can see for you, is that you have to commit yourself to a certain degree 
to an API you're going to expose to us. the pros are obvious and IMO 
outweigh the cons by far. it's in your hands.

hoping you'll come to the same conclusion ;).



>Karl Avedal

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373
(-) [EMAIL PROTECTED], www.signal7.de

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