Right now until I am proved otherwise, I disagree.  I posted a message a day
or so ago and have no reply yet.  Now I do believe that it is probably some
setting I have (although I am using the default settings from Orion), but my
web pages are not served very fast at all.  I am on a PIII 256M using
Windows Server 2000 and tested the same static pages with Apache and IIS and
they really popup quickly.  With Orion, the pages seem to completely display
but the browser keeps going for up to 10-15 seconds before it stops.

I am not saying I disagree with the benchmarks, what I am saying is I agree
with them with the correct set of configurations as I have used the same
static pages on the same machine with Apache, IIS, and Orion.  I did not use
any benchmarking tools other than my eye but it was very obvious (clearing
browser cache between each request) that as soon as the pages "appeared" to
be fully display (very small graphics, if any) using Apache and IIS, the
browser (both IE and NS) stopped.  With Orion, the browsers just kept going
(not sure doing what) for another 10-15 seconds.

Like I said, I am sure it is some configuration but I wish someone would
tell me what the setting is.  I also tried browsing from several different
machines to make sure that it was not simply my browser.


----- Original Message -----
To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 3:51 AM
Subject: SV: Performance for static files

> Look at the benchmark page...
> Against Apache and IIS its got no problems at all beating them into the
> bushes. The url is enclosed, have fun...
> Klaus Myrseth
> -----Opprinnelig melding-----
> Fra: Christof Baumgaertner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sendt: 7. september 2000 08:40
> Til: Orion-Interest
> Emne: Performance for static files
> We have a webbased client/server application which in addition to its
> dynamic elements has to serve a huge amount of small files (HTML, GIF,
> JS). I understand that Orionserver's performance for J2EE based
> applications is pretty good. How about serving static files from the
> file system? Can it compete with high performance servers like AOL
> Server, Stronghold Apache or others in this area?
> Thanks,
> Christof

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