nt may have better mp support, at least until linux
2.4 comes out officially, but the real issue here is
probably the jvm.  the jvms in linux just haven't been
quite there, and surprisingly microsoft have had the
fastest jvms out there for quite some time.  in
determining whether to run on nt or linux the question
for me comes down to reliability.  since sp5 nt
doesn't slowdown or crash nearly as much as it used
to, but i can configure a linux 2.2 box with
practically no services on it except the jvm and
orion, and it essentially runs well forever (or at
least a few months) without trouble.  it is still
possible to crash nt, and i've even done so with a
win2k box.  there is usually so much junk on one of
those boxes that you cannot get rid of.

the new sun linux jvm is much faster than the old
blackdown ports, and the inclusion of the hotspot
server engine is pretty impressive.  we've been
running on linux 2-way machines (testing only) for
months now--found it fast and never experienced any
trouble.  i cannot recommend it more..

bradley mclain

--- "Holmes, George (TWIi London)"
> I wasn't working on the project myself, and possibly
> gave a slightly
> mis-leading impression ;->
> To the best of my knowledge there were 8-12 Dual P3
> 500, each loaded with
> all the necessary EJBs, JSPs et al. and
> load-balanced using BIG IP from F5
> Networks.  However, none of the boxes were even
> touched in terms of resource
> consumption.
> Apparently, and this is a definite (sic) Windows NT
> 4/2000 with a
> dual-processor running Java out-performs a Linux box
> of the same spec
> running Java.  Originally, the project was trialled
> to run on Linux, but it
> was discovered that NT 4 was faster!!!  Has anyone
> else had any experience
> of this?  I was told that it was due to better MP
> support in NT 4/2000???
> George
> TWI Interactive
> Media House
> Burlington Lane
> W4 2TH
> TEL: +44 208 233 5631
> FAX: +44 208 233 7701
> CELL: +44 7968 918813
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 20 October 2000 19:24
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: Orion in production
> Wow! That's pretty impressive results. What sort of
> hardware are you
> running?
> As my performance test showed, on a single PIII650 I
> was able to generate on
> average about 4.5million page hits a day (on a
> simple login process
> anyways).
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Holmes, George (TWIi London)
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 1:14 AM
> > To: Orion-Interest
> > Subject: RE: Orion in production
> > 
> > 
> > www.opengolf.com
> > 
> > This is the official web site for the British Open
> Golf 
> > tournament.  Did 30
> > million page impressions/day (ish) for the four
> days of the Open.
> > 
> > George
> > 
> > 
> > TWI Interactive
> > Media House
> > Burlington Lane
> > W4 2TH
> > 
> > TEL: +44 208 233 5631
> > FAX: +44 208 233 7701
> > CELL: +44 7968 918813
> > 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Juan Lorandi (Chile)
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 19 October 2000 22:13
> > To: Orion-Interest
> > Subject: Orion in production
> > 
> > 
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I have been using orion for about 6 months now,
> and now, as 
> > I'm finishing my
> > app, I need to sell orion to my customers...
> > For this, it would be *VERY* valuable to have a
> list of sites (on the
> > internet or intranets) which use orion...
> > 
> > So, basically, what I have in mind is that anybody
> on this 
> > list that wishes
> > to report a site as being partiallly/fully powered
> by orion,
> > report it to my email address, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> so that I 
> > can make a list
> > of these, to publish it on WWW
> > 
> > I think this will prove useful for us all.
> > 
> > TIA,
> > 
> >             JP
> > 

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