JBuilder 4 is quite nice.  Visual Cafe crashes all the time, I *definitely*
cannot recommend it.  JDeveloper is based off of JBuilder, but not the 4.0
version, so I probably couldn't recommend using that either.  All that being
said, I use a combination of 3 tools: Visual SlickEdit for editing, Ant for
building/packaging, and Karmira BugSeeker for debugging.  I've found that
Karmira will support whatever distributed debugging needs you have by using
remote debugging, and it's really quite a nice debugger, particularly for
the cost of only $200US.  As far as validation to the EJB specs (I assume
you mean generating the deployment descriptors), I really don't have much
experience in that arena, as I have been hand-coding all of mine so far.

Jason Boehle

>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Jarek Skreta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 5:03 AM
> To:   Orion-Interest
> Subject:      Off topic: development tools
> Hello everybody,
> I am in the process of selecting an IDE for developing J2EE applications
> on Orion. I would appreciate any advice on the subject. I've noticed from
> emails that JBuilder is quite popular. Other contenders that I know off
> are: Visual Café, JDeveloper (Oracle flavour of JBuilder), public domain
> tools like Ant, etc.
> The features I am mainly interested in are: ability to develop for
> different Apps Servers, visual debugging, validation of conformance with
> specifications (e.g. for EJBs). 
> I will be grateful for your comments and recommendations.
> Thanks,
> Jarek Skreta

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