The OSS Master Plan is now fast approaching Phase 3, the Self-Reliance phase.

Sadly, the Govt's efforts while laudable, it still lacks the political
will to make OSS truly relevant in the Public Sector.

We can train and give incentives to the Public Sector, but if at the
end of the day, there is no will there is no way. Mandating the
adoption OSS maybe a little "kuku besi" for some people's taste buds
but knowing the general culture of most civil servants, that's about
the only way to get their buy in.

Grassroot support is important. But the time to stay neutral and play
nice is over. It's either the Government is in or out and now, it
seems they are more out than in.

I will continue soldering here, to try to make a difference. Right now
I feel like my chances are not bright.


On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Boh Yap <> wrote:
> hi,
> Haris, that is exactly my point, we are the 'rakyat' from the IT
> community. Just as gov gets feedback from the rakyat in other areas of
> policy, .... WE shld be providing that feedback from the IT
> perspective.
> IT initiative and policy is unlike 'just another' EP (Economic Policy)
> e.g. the so called 'growth corridors', ... hey, lets get investors to
> come in and do MORE OF THE SAME THING. But if we are gonna build
> indigenous knowledge, its NOT doing 'more of the same thing'.
> IT has the potential to 'bootstrap' our economy to the next level,
> that of a global challenging knowledge economy! The only other tech
> that can do that is bio-tech, but these 2 work hand in hand, re: the
> Human Genome Project.
> We have to be innovative and creative, we have to create a thinking
> and creative culture, we have to develop skills and so on..... and
> what we develop have to be free from encumbrances of the big vendors
> (MS, Oracle, ...) else we are dragged back into a dependency
> relationship (economic or otherwise). Hence I strongly believe only
> FOSS can free us from this.
> But we have to increase the awareness of FOSS, to everybody/sector,
> from gov. to private sector, to students and man in the street. But we
> have strong obstacles from the marketing forces of the likes of MS.
> One of the 'failures' of FOSS is that we don't have any marketing
> activvities or BUDGET as opposed to the $M spent by the likes of MS. I
> believe we dont need much, we can be creative and 'go with the flow',
> for e.g.
> whenever the BSA nabs someone organization with pirated SW, we just
> take out a full page Ad saying "Stop Piracy, go FOSS" or "Let us make
> you Free..." or whatever catchy slogans we can think of.
> Hence FOSS needs a marketing fund.
> The other thrust is to build skills, we need more who can work with
> FOSS, sys admins, programmers, web designers.... But this is also
> difficult if its is not driven from the demand side, ie: MS is pushing
> the message that students with MS skills are easilly marketable... we
> have to push a similar message for FOSS.
> As a side note, this is already a fact, but it is not known... I was
> talking to Dr. Uwe Dippel, a fellow speaker in MyGOSSCON, lecturer in
> Multimedia Uni, and he was saying that he can easily find work for any
> of his OSS-skilled students, the same cannot be said for MS!  (Too
> many MCSE perhaps?)
> Also I feel that many Edu instituitions, or those that make policy for
> Edu don't know about FOSS. So we also need to educate the
> educators.... and perhaps there should be a program to do this.
> I guess thats enough ranting... I don't believe in just ranting,
> actions have to follow. So, anyone care to really start putting all
> this on paper... as Haris? said earlier a "Community Lead National IT
> Plan"?
> Let's start brainstorming...
> Perhaps OSDC should lead this.
> PS: fortunately, I dont have a  blog! ;-)
> On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 10:42 AM, red1 <> wrote:
>> not to be outdone ...
>> Azrul Hasni MADISA wrote:
>>> Hahahahaha, I was just about to link my blog here
>>> [].
>>> I guess great minds think alike
>>> Azrul Sensei
>> >
> --
> #-------
> regds,
> Boh Heong, Yap
> >

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