> As far as example usefulness is concerned, "no news is good news."
> Honestly, in contrast to the entire discussion at hand, I 
> _rarely_ use documentation. I always just look at the code. 
> Documentation in a formal sense makes me want to take a nap...

Ironically, I agree with you, but don't tell anyone, it would ruin my
reputation as a writer. :-)

When I'm trying to learn some new aspect of OSG, I look for an existing
example first, then I usually browse through related header files used by
the example, then I dig into the source code if I need more info. Sometimes
I resort to breakpoints in OSG while running an example to find out what's
really going on.

Printed documentation, I rarely read it cover to cover. I usually look at
the TOC or index and jump to the section I'm interested in. And I've
actually used the Quick Start Guide this way: If I'm trying to remember how
to do something that I _know_ I covered in the QSG, I look it up in the TOC
or index and read what I wrote.

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