Robert Osfield wrote:
> In other projects I do occasionally look for documentation, but rarely
> does it help me more than a succinct code example.  If you are
> experienced programmer than its the code that tells you everything.

I'd say the code *can* tell you everything, but there are many cases in 
which reading "the code" is just about the least time-efficient method 
of figuring it out. Let's say I want to rotate a matrix. Which method 
does what I need? It's easy enough to find that osg::Matrix::  rotate, 
setRotate, and makeRotate exist, but what does each one do? Where do I 
look? In the MatrixImplementation header? In the associated cpp? How 
about the doxygen generated comments? Or maybe I hunt through 50 
examples, none of which has anything explicitly to do with how to rotate 
a matrix. Okay, that's four places to look, none of them are terribly 
enlightening, and I just spent how long -- probably an hour by the time 
I backtrack all the necessary code to understand what's going on in an 
example -- trying to figure out which method to use to rotate a matrix. 
Maybe by this point I have it and maybe I don't.

Contrast this with the existence of some sort of documentation that 
breaks the API down into functional units. I look in doc for the maths 
unit, then matrix operations, and there it is: matrix rotations. A few 
short examples and a solid explanation of the three ways in osg to 
accomplish this. Time spent is maybe five minutes.

Or how about clear doxygen comments in the code? Take a look at 
for an example of clear comments generated from a header. You don't even 
need a code example when comments are this clear. Notice also how the 
documentation clearly indicates that the function is deprecated, and 
even tells you what to replace it with. (Notice also that they maintain 
backwards compatibility through at least one major release number.) When 
I'm doing wxWidgets work, the doxygen docs are just about the only 
reference I need. I rarely need to look at sample code, even though it 
does exist. OSG is exactly the reverse, and I notice that it often 
eventually results in a frustrated post to the users list asking how to 
do something relatively simple. Perhaps the osg community can take a 
leaf from wxWidgets' notebook?

I'm not bashing Robert or anyone else for the fact that such 
documentation doesn't exist. I understand how much time it takes, 
especially when the API code changes as frequently as osg's. But an 
answer of "look at the code" just doesn't cut it in many situations.

> I do wonder if too many developers these days are expecting to put in
> too little real effort for the amount of results they are wanting.
> Programming is hard.  Real-time graphics is a BIG topic.  To master
> them you have lavish lots of time.

One has to lavish a lot of time, yes, but that time should be lavished 
learning the maths and concepts of RT graphics, along with some amount 
of time learning an API. That time shouldn't be spent digging through 
API code trying to understand how to use basic operations that could be 
easily documented.

Again, I'm not bashing anyone. But in my opinion most folks are not 
being unreasonable in the complaint that the documentation is lacking. 
And it's mighty hard to generate that documentation when you're still 
trying to figure it out yourself.

Well, that pretty much wraps up my argument for why people complaining 
about documentation are not automatically lazy, stupid, or bad programmers.

-Penn Taylor
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