
> Just an idea (sorry if it was discussed previously - I'm new here)... how
> about an actual discussion forum (like vBulletin) to compliment the wiki.

Indeed, it has been discussed previously. Search the archives. Last I  
heard of it, some people suggested ways of bridging a forum and the  
mailing list but nothing practical came of it...

As I said, look at the archives on the subject, you'll see the  
arguments for and against. A compromise may be reached, but the  
mailing list is here to stay.

> No offense intended but I haven't seen a mailing list used for all  
> discussions
> on a technical project since the late 90's

Most OSS projects have at least two mailing lists, some much more.  
It's a very effective means of discussing development subjects.

Jean-Sebastien Guay     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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