> Nick Prudent wrote:

> There *is* an OSG discussion forum:
> http://www.3drealtimesimulation.com/3dsceneBB/index.php
> It's just not very official (and not used much, from what I can see...). 

Great!  I’ll bet it would be used much more if it were listed prominently on
the wiki like just below the mailing list link or on the getting started
page for example. I searched the wiki and found a link to an official FAQ on
that site but no links from the wiki to the forum at all.


> Jean-Sébastien wrote:

> you'll see the arguments for and against. A compromise 
> may be reached, but the mailing list is here to stay.
> Most OSS projects have at least two mailing lists, some much more.  

> It's a very effective means of discussing development subjects.


Thanks for the quick response. Seems funny to say anything is here to stay
related to any constantly evolving technology project, or anything related
to the Internet. I was just offering my observations coming at this project
fresh. My opinion was simply that the mailing list method seems outdated. I
wasn’t suggesting it is not effective, just comparing it to the
features/benefits of newer community technologies I’ve used on other


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