Hi all,

I created a CMake script for osgAL, so that it would be much easier to build.
However, I need testing! So if you're interested in audio (and maybe in the 
osgAudio layer, in the future), please test building (and using if you have 
enough time) osgAL *from the trunk*. I personally tested it under Windows+MSVC8 
(out-of-the-source build) and it works fine. Feel free to email me directly.

Thank you.

Checkout osgAL SVN trunk at https://osgal.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/osgal

- OpenAL or OpenAL-Soft ( http://kcat.strangesoft.net/openal.html#download )
- ALUT or freeALUT ( Maybe 
- libOGG and libVorbis ( http://xiph.org/downloads/ )
- And of course OSG!

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