Hi Paul,

But has anything been done to fix the problem that
OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS is always ON and can't be disabled? If this was
discussed in the other thread, I missed it.

We'd need a CMake expert to see why the value is being cached and changing it doesn't have any effect... It looks like the value in the cache is overriding the value we set in CMake.

As I said, the workaround is to delete your build/CMakeCache.txt, then re-run CMake and before you click Configure the second time (the first one being the initial compiler detection phase) change the value to OFF then. It should take - though you won't be able to change it back to ON without deleting your cache again, so it's not a very good workaround. :-)

That the value *defaults* to on is another issue that Robert discussed in the other thread. I don't have any issue with that, but indeed it should be possible to change it.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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