Hi Robert,

I have spotted that CDash is not working as usual.  I have no clue as
to why or what to do about it as I'm the not the one that set this up
or has knowledge of how to administer it.

Ah ha! Logging in with my user account on the CDash site to answer Pierre's question, I noticed this message:

* The project OpenSceneGraph has reached the maximum number of builds. You should upgrade to a premium account to avoid missing builds.[Upgrade Now] (http://www.kitware.com/products/cdashpro.html)

I guess that means that either we need to pay for a premium account (silver is 16$/month, 49$/3months, 189$/year), or host our build results on the openscenegraph.org site somehow (if that's possible). Anyone know about this?

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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