"David Cofer" writes:

> You rock Alberto!! I flipped the bmp and it mapped correctly. It would never 
> have occured to me to do that in a million years on my own. Thanks.

Glad I could help :) See below.

> I tried to step into the osg code, but it did not work. It just stepped over 
> it. I am loading the debug versions, so I am not completly sure why it is not 
> working. I will keep playing with it to see if it is dropping the u,v coords 
> as you suspect. Worst case scenario I just remove the ability to apply a 
> texture at run-time for a mesh and make them specify it in the mesh file. 

Meanwhile you could specify some default texture of yours in the file
and then use the osgUtil::Optimizer::TextureVisitor class to change it
for another at run-time.

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