Hi again,

Just a follow up on my last post. I tried running OsgOculusViewer with  the 
following variations of settings:

* Extended Mode + Desktop Composition On = Serious Judder
* Extended Mode + Desktop Composition On + Single Threaded = Serious Judder

* Extended Mode + Desktop Composition Off = No Judder
* Extended Mode + Desktop Composition Off + Single Threaded = No Judder

* Direct Mode + Desktop Composition On = No Judder
* Direct Mode + Desktop Composition On + Single Threaded = No Judder

* Direct Mode + Desktop Composition Off = No Judder
* Direct Mode + Desktop Composition Off + Single Threaded = No Judder

So the conclusion is that IF you have to run with Extended Mode the solution 
seems to be to disable desktop composition in Windows.

I was unable to make the matching test using the OculusWorldDemo, since it 
opens on the wrong screen in extended mode when running in OpenGL mode (ie. 
with the flag: OculusWorldDemo.exe -r GL). 

Best regards

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