I want to share with you how my first OS went relating to the combination of 
topics. So the OS only lasted 3h30, we had around 25 people and two sessions. 
16 subjects were raised.
During the intro someone asked how to do when one wants to attend several 
subjects. I answered that there were several solutions : they could move from 
one to the other, they could ask the conveners of two sessions if they were ok 
to combine them, or could just choose the one they felt more inclined to go to. 
I have the impression that something went a bit wrong in the way I answered... 
because there was a lot of combinations... and I really think far too much. It 
ended up that even 4 sessions were combined together and that a group of around 
15 people gathered in it. That's not the number of people gathering that matter 
so much, but the fact that the man who was the sponsor of the event (not a 
formal one, but still the one who made the event happen) was kind of acting 
like the chief, wanted to achieve really specific results, talking a lot, while 
half people did not speak. 

And having read a feedback about what has happened since the OS and talked with 
a friend of mine who is part of the group, I have the impression that this OS 
has been kind of an alibi, a participative process that has finally ended up in 
supporting only some specific concrete actions that were important for a few 
people in the group and that they already wanted to happen before the OS. I 
feel a bit disappointed and not so at ease with that, as if I had helped in 
some way to that "manipulation". 
I have the feeling now that the available time was too short for people to 
really accept to be free from their agenda (or the one of others) and enter the 
freedom of open space or that OS was not the appropriate thing to do with this 
forming group...

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