I agree with the posts. The decision to do group must be based upon medical
necessity (i.e. benefits of a group versus individual treatments) and this
must be documented.

1. Part As: Group done no more than 25% of total time spent per week.(E.g:
Pt. in very high category receiving a total of 500 minutes, time spent on
group should not exceed 125 minutes)
2. Part Bs: No restriction on no. of groups except 'based on medical
3. 'Supervised' sessions may be done with Part As (different from groups)
which are not counted toward group minutes (limited to 2 patients per
4. If you have 1 Part A (or other payor source) and 1 Part B in 'supervised'
session, Part B must be coded at group therapy (any time you see Part B with
any other patient, no matter what payor source) the part B is coded as a
group, the Part A gets individual minutes (as it is a 'supervised' session
for him/ her). Part B may not be coded as group therapy only if one is on a
supervised modality and then you code the supervised modality HCPCS/ CPT.
5. Code for group therapy: 97150
6. If part session was group and part was one on one (e.g. : Therapeutic
Exercises): Code 97150 (for group, a service based code) and 97110-59 (97110
a time based code + modifier 59 to show that it was exclusively provided)
7. With Part As, if you have them in a group session , each patient is
alloted the total treatment time (4 patients in a group session of 30
minutes, each gets 30 minutes toward RUG minutes)
8. No more than 4 patients in a group to 1 therapist


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Carson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sandi Foreman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2004 4:43 AM
Subject: Re: [OTnow] Feelings on Medicare Groups

> Hello Sandi:
> I  believe  that  group  treatment  can  be either a very positive or a
> negative  experience.  The  primary  determiner of the experience is not
> clients,  it  is  the therapist. I have done and seen many group
> For  the  most  part,  these  groups  held  little therapeutic value for
> clients   -   in  fact,  sometimes  the  groups  were  harmful  to
> Additionally, while group treatment has it roots in psychosocial settings,
> believe  that  most  rehab settings use group treatment because it is
> for therapists.
> The  primary  purpose  of  running  any  group  treatment  should be for
> therapeutic  benefit  group dynamics. Additionally, ALL clients in the
> should have a medical necessity for these benefits. Keep in mind, that
> should  be  something that therapeutically happens in a group treatment
> without the group would otherwise not happen. The benefit of group
> is  the  dynamic  interchange  between  group  members. A group that is
> planned,  consists  of  medically  necessary  clients, and is well
> offers  tremendous challenge and reward for both clients and therapists.
> further  a therapists moves away from focusing on the group dynamics
> of  their  treatment  group,  the  further  they  are  moving  away from
> therapeutic benefits of a group.
> Ron
> =================================================================
> On Saturday, April 3, 2004, you wrote:
> SF> Hi All!
> SF> I am a COTA at an ALF/SNF facility for a contract facility....just
> SF> accepting Med A pts.  I have done groups previously in Med A setting
> SF> enjoy them.  I have been asked to instruct different SNF's on types of
> SF> groups.  I have been told the reason groups are not used is pt's are
too low
> SF> level to participate.  I believe if the group is set up correctly, and
> SF> appropriate group is used, it is a great experience both for the
> SF> practitioner and the patient.
> SF> What is everyone's feelings on the utilization of groups?
> SF> Why do you use them....Why don't you?
> SF> It's an informal talk that I am giving, and started some handouts:
> SF> How to bill, medicare allowable minutes, types of groups, and a small
> SF> of activities for various cognitive levels.  I tried to include a
> SF> sampling of groups that also include PT and speech, as they will also
> SF> attending.  I was hoping you can help me add to my group activities,
and I
> SF> will be happy to share too....and those PT's (and maybe even ST's)
that are
> SF> on the list serve...I would LOVE your input, as I am kind of guessing
> SF> appropriate activities.
> SF> I have:
> SF> Wheelchair Mobility Group (OT/PT)
> SF> Advanced Gait Group (OT/PT)
> SF> Balance Group ((OT/PT)
> SF> Cooking Group (OT/ST)
> SF> Home Safety Group (OT/PT)
> SF> Fine Motor Coordination Group (OT)
> SF> Posture Group (OT/PT)
> SF> ROM Group (OT/PT)
> SF> Strengthening Group (OT/PT)
> SF> Cognitive Group (OT/ST)
> SF> That way everyone has a small sampling of types of groups.  Included
in each
> SF> group is criteria, small sampling of activities, equipment, and group
> SF> I will list everything in my advanced gait group because I believe
that is a
> SF> group that people would tend to say it is primairly PT......    :)
> SF> ADVANCED GAIT (high level group)
> SF> Criteria:
> SF> Ambulate with or without assistive device with min supervision
> SF> Able to follow directions with min v/c's
> SF> No evidence of vertigo or orthostatic hypotension
> SF> Ability to maintain correct weight bearing status
> SF> Example of Activities:
> SF> Timed Ambulation
> SF> Obstacle Course
> SF> Courtyard Ambulation
> SF> Treasure Hunt
> SF> Question/Answer session on use of assistive devices
> SF> Verbal Instruction/Correction when performing activities
> SF> Equipment:
> SF> Assistive Devices (if needed)
> SF> Adaptive Equipment(if needed) (ie: reacher, walker basket/bags)
> SF> Gait Belts
> SF> Stopwatch
> SF> Obstacles (stairs, cones, slopes, different terrain, etc.)
> SF> List of items to find during courtyard ambulation/treasure hunt
> SF> Group Goals:
> SF> Increase functional mobility
> SF> Instruct/Increase safety awareness during ambulation
> SF> Decrease gait deviations
> SF> Increase gait velocity
> SF> Improve community ambulation skills
> SF> Demo proper gait pattern and use of assistive device
> SF> Demo/Instruct safe use of assistive device and adaptive equipment
> SF> Anyone have any ideas in any categories in any group listed above?  I
> SF> love for everyone to share group ideas that have worked for them!
> SF> Thanks for your input
> SF> Sandi
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