
I hate asking so many questions but I'm finding it very difficult to do 
customizations because I'm either not finding the Documentation or am not 
reading it right.

I jus tneed to know how to 

1. When creating a new customer have aditional fields that can be used. ie. 
Phone Number.

2. When creating tickets have aditional fields that can be used. Ie. Phone 
Number :) or room number ... etc ...

I have read the entire online documentation. There is talk of FreeText. I have 
tried to enable that. 

>From Defaults.pm I put into Config.pm

    $Self->{PreferencesGroups}->{FreeText} = {
        Module => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::PreferencesGeneric',
        Colum => 'Other Options',
        Label => 'Free Text',
        Desc => 'Example for free text.',
        Block => 'Input',
        Data => '$Env{"UserFreeText"}',
        PrefKey => 'UserFreeText',
        Prio => 7000,
        Activ => 1,

I think it went under users because of the values in Data and PrefKey.

Once I have this enabled do I need to modify the DataBase (MySQL) to support 
this new field somehow?

I have searched the mailing list going back several months and have not found 
anything that explained how to do this.

Any help would be greatly apreciated.

OTRS v2.02
SuSE v10.0
MySQL v4.1.13-3
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