I have written a perl script that does a time until resolution and tracks the number of days a ticket remains open. It could be a great starting point for you to modify and create a report that you are looking for.


Rabindra Pandey wrote:
<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Hi,

I am fairly new to otrs world. I want to create a report of all tickets that have been untouched for last 3 days. Untouched is defined as a ticket which have no activity during last 3 days. Any mail sent from OTRS by system is not accounted as activity.

I want create report by writing mysql script and my otrs version is 1.2.3

Any help or guidance will be greatly appreciated.




# This script will produce a way to get time to resolution for otrs tickets

use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through);
use Data::Dumper;
use Date::Business;

my $dbh;
my $sql;
my $sth;
my $i;
my $j;
my @loh;
my %tickets;
my %ttr;
my $ddiff;
my $format='tab';
my $help=0;
my $headers=0;
my $queue="Desktop";
my $start='20080401';
my $end = `/bin/date +%Y%m%d`;
chomp $end;

#Fetch options
GetOptions ('format=s' => \$format, 
                        'start=i' => \$start,
                        'end=i' => \$end,
                        'noheaders' =>\$headers,
                        'queue=s' =>\$queue,
                        'help|?' => \$help);

#make sure that $start and $end are set to 8 digit values or bail
help_msg() unless ($end =~m/^\d{8}$/)&&($start=~m/^\d{8}$/);

#make sure that the end date is set to 11:59 pm so you get the activity for the 
whole day
$end = $end."235959";

help_msg() if $ARGV[0] || $help == 1;

help_msg() unless ($format eq 'tab') || ($format eq 'csv')|| ($format eq 

#Help message
sub help_msg
        print "\notrs.pl\n\nDescription:\n\tThis script runs against the OTRS 
ticket tracking database calculates time to resolution. ";
        print "By default the script queries tickets in the Desktop 
        print "\n\t--queue\tSets the queue name for the report.\n\t\t\tCheck 
your ORTS installation for a list of valid queue names\n\t\t\t Default queue is 
        print "\n\t--format\tSets the output format (default format is 
tabbed).\n\t\t\tValid formats are: tab csv html\n";
        print "\n\t--start\t\tSets the start date for the report (default value 
is 04/01/2008).\n\t\t\tValid format is YYYYMMDD\n";
        print "\n\t--end\t\tSets the end date for the report (default value is 
the current date).\n\t\t\tValid format is YYYYMMDD\n";
        print "\n\t--noheaders\tCreates a single line of output devoid of 
headers and titles.\n\t\t\tOutput will be in the format start time end time 
total tickes ticket count and percent of total";
        print "\n\t\t\tfor each of the 5 normal ranges\n";
        print "\n\t--help\t\tDisplays this help message.\n";
        print "\nUsage:\n\tTo run the default report (20080401 until now) in 
tabbed output:\n\t\tprompt> otrs.pl\n";
        print "\tTo create a report formatted for csv output\n\t\tprompt> 
otrs.pl --format=csv\n";
        print "\tTo create a report formatted for html output\n\t\tprompt> 
otrs.pl --format=html\n";
        print "\tTo create a report from 01/01/2009 until now in csv 
output\n\t\tprompt> otrs.pl --start=20090101 --format=csv\n";
        print "\tTo create a report from 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009 at 23:59:59 
in html\n\t\tprompt> otrs.pl --start=20090101 --end=20090331 --format=html\n";
        print "\tTo create a report as a single line of output in csv 
formatting\n\t\tprompt> otrs.pl --format=csv --noheaders\n";
        print "\tTo query the queue spam and return csv output.\n\t\tprompt> 
otrs.pl --format=csv --queue=spam\n";


$dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:otrs','otrsreport','q5epR-Ez')
or die "Connection Error: $DBI::errstr\n";

#test does the queue exist
$sql="select count(*) from queue where name='$queue'";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
or die "SQL Error: $DBI::errstr\n";
my @test1; 
@test1 = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();

if ( $test1[0][0][0] == 0 )
        print "Error: queue $queue does not exist. Check your available queues 
and run again.\n";

$sql = "select
        min(a.id) as uid,
        CASE d.name WHEN 'merged' THEN 'closed' WHEN 'closed successful' THEN 
'closed' WHEN 'closed unsuccessful' THEN 'closed' WHEN 'pending reminder' THEN 
'closed' WHEN 'pending auto close+' THEN 'closed' WHEN 'pending auto close-' 
THEN 'closed' ELSE 'open' END as status,
        cast(a.change_time as date) as day,
        cast(a.change_time as time) as time
        ticket_history as a,
        queue as c,
        ticket_state as d,
        ticket e
        a.queue_id = c.id and
        a.state_id = d.id and
        a.ticket_id = e.id and
        c.name='$queue' and
        d.name in ('new','closed successful','closed 
unsuccessful','open','pending reminder','pending auto close+','pending auto 
close-','merged') and
        e.create_time >= $start and
        e.create_time <= $end
group by a.ticket_id, d.name, a.change_time
order by a.ticket_id, a.change_time";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
or die "SQL Error: $DBI::errstr\n";
@loh = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});

for $i ( 0 .. $#{$loh[0]} )
        $j = $i;
        unless ( exists $tickets{$loh[0][$i]{ticket_id}} )
                $tickets { $loh[0][$i]{ticket_id} } =  [ {day => 
$loh[0][$i]{day} , status => $loh[0][$i]{status}}];
                if ( $loh[0][$i]{status} ne $loh[0][$j]{status} ){
                        push @{ $tickets{$loh[0][$i]{ticket_id}} }, {day => 
$loh[0][$i]{day} , status => $loh[0][$i]{status}};
#print Dumper(\%tickets);

for $i ( keys %tickets )
        my ($var1, $var2, $day1, $day2) = ( '0', '0', '0', '0');
        if ( $#{$tickets{$i}} == 0 )
#       ticket is open with no close state so use todays date
#       need to check state some exist only as closed in the history table
                if ( $tickets{$i}[0]{day} eq "open" )
                        $var1 =~ s/-//g;
                        $day1 = new Date::Business(DATE => $var1 );
                        $day2 = new Date::Business();
                        $ddiff = $day2->diffb($day1);
                        $ttr{$i} = $ddiff;
                #else start day and end day are equal
                $ttr{$i} = 0;
        elsif ( $#{$tickets{$i}} == 1 )
#       We know that there are only 2 states so lets do the math and go to the 
next ticket
                #need to find out if the first state is open or closed
                #if first state is open then do bellow otherwise we need to do 
some additional checking
                if ( $tickets{$i}[0]{status} eq 'open' )
                        $var1 =~ s/-//g;
                        $var2 =~ s/-//g;
                        $day1 = new Date::Business(DATE => $var1 );
                        $day2 = new Date::Business(DATE => $var2 );
                        $ddiff = $day2->diffb($day1);
                        $ttr{$i} = $ddiff;
                        #did it move queues
                        #do sql here
                        my ($sth1, $sth2, @return1, @return2, $sql1, $sql2, 
                        $sql1="select max(id) from ticket_history where 
ticket_id = $i";
                        $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($sql1);
                        or die "SQL Error: $DBI::errstr\n";
                        @return1 = $sth1->fetchall_arrayref();
                        $sql2 = "select b.name from ticket_history a, queue b 
where a.id=$return1[0][0][0] and a.queue_id=b.id";
                        $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2);
                        or die "SQL Error: $DBI::errstr\n";
                        @return2 = $sth2->fetchall_arrayref();
                        #check if not do below
                        if ( $return2[0][0][0] eq $queue )
                                $var1 = $tickets{$i}[$j]{day};
                                $var1 =~ s/-//g;
                                $day1 = new Date::Business(DATE => $var1 );
                                $day2 = new Date::Business();
                                $ddiff = $day2->diffb($day1);
                                $ttr{$i} += $ddiff;
#       More than one complete set of state changes need a cumlative tab of 
days open
                if ( $tickets{$i}[0]{status} eq 'open')
                        $ttr{$i} = 0; # start with a zero value and add to it
                        my $no_close=0;
                        if ( $#{$tickets{$i}}%2 == 0 )
                                # ok the there is no close date
                        for $j ( 0 .. $#{$tickets{$i}})
                                if ( $j == $#{$tickets{$i}} )
                                        if ( $no_close == 1 )
                                        #Need to add a db call to see if the 
ticket was moved into another queue
                                        #if ticket was moved use that move date 
as the end date
                                        #else assume ticket is still open
                                                #did it move queues
                                                #do sql here
                                                my ($sth1, $sth2, @return1, 
@return2, $sql1, $sql2, $tempval);
                                                $sql1="select max(id) from 
ticket_history where ticket_id = $i";
                                                $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($sql1);
                                                or die "SQL Error: 
                                                @return1 = 
                                                $sql2 = "select b.name from 
ticket_history a, queue b where a.id=$return1[0][0][0] and a.queue_id=b.id";
                                                $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2);
                                                or die "SQL Error: 
                                                @return2 = 
                                                #check if not do below
                                                if ( $return2[0][0][0] eq 
$queue )
                                                        $var1 = 
                                                        $var1 =~ s/-//g;
                                                        $day1 = new 
Date::Business(DATE => $var1 );
                                                        $day2 = new 
                                                        $ddiff = 
                                                        $ttr{$i} += $ddiff;
                                                $var2 =~ s/-//g;
                                                $day2 = new Date::Business(DATE 
=> $var2 );
                                                $ddiff = $day2->diffb($day1);
                                                $ttr{$i} += $ddiff;
                                        if ( $j%2 == 0 )
                                                $var1 = $tickets{$i}[$j]{day};
                                                $var1 =~ s/-//g;
                                                $day1 = new Date::Business(DATE 
=> $var1 );
                                                $var2 =~ s/-//g;
                                                $day2 = new Date::Business(DATE 
=> $var2 );
                                                $ddiff = $day2->diffb($day1);
                                                $ttr{$i} += $ddiff;

#print Dumper( \%ttr );

#count the number of keys in %ttr
my $total_keys=keys(%ttr);

#tickets 1 day or less
# 2 days
# 3 days
# 4 days
# 5 days or more

my @summary = (0) x 5;

for $i ( keys %ttr )
        if ( $ttr{$i} <= 1 )
        elsif ( $ttr{$i} == 2 )
        elsif ( $ttr{$i} == 3 )
        elsif ( $ttr{$i} == 4 )

#set params for tab delimited output change if other
my $header="\n";
my $title="";
my $endtitle="\n";
my $linebreak="\n";
my $begintable="";
my $endtable="\n";
my $beginrow="";
my $endrow="\n";
my $delimiter="\t";
my $footer="\n";
if ($format eq 'csv')
elsif ($format eq 'html')
        $begintable="<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10>";

#printable date format for $start and $end
my $date_pattern = qr'(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})?(\d{2})?(\d{2})?';

#Normal formatting looks like
#                               Title = OTRS Time To Resolution for $start to 
#                               Total tickets = xxxx
#       Days to Resolution              <1      2       3       4       5>
#       Total Tickets                   x       x       x       x       x
#       Percentage of tickets   y       y       y       y       y

# No headers looks like this with specified delimiters
# start_date end_date total_tickets count_for_<1 count_for_2 .... count_for_5> 
%_for_<1 %_for_2  %_for_5>

if ( $headers == 0 )
        print "$header";
        print "$title"."OTRS Time To Resolution for queue $queue 
$start_month/$start_day/$start_year ";
        print "to $end_month/$end_day/$end_year ";
        print "$end_hour\:$end_minute "if (defined $end_minute);
        print "$endtitle";
        print "Total Tickets = $total_keys $linebreak";
        print "$linebreak";
        print "$begintable"."$beginrow"."Days to Resolution"."$delimiter";
        print "$delimiter" if ($format eq 'tab');
        print "$beginrow"."Total Tickets"."$delimiter";
        print "$delimiter"."$delimiter" if ($format eq 'tab');
        for $i (0 .. 3)
                print "$summary[$i]"."$delimiter";
        print "$summary[4]"."$endrow";
        print "$beginrow"."Percentage of Tickets"."$delimiter";
        print "$delimiter" if ($format eq 'tab');
        for $i (0 .. 3)
                print "%"."$delimiter";
        print "%"."$endrow"."$endtable";
        print "$footer";
        print "$beginrow";
        for $i (0 .. 3)
                print "$summary[$i]"."$delimiter";
        print "$summary[4]"."$delimiter";
        for $i (0 .. 3)
                print "%"."$delimiter";
        print "%"."$endrow";
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