Hi Robert,

You've really gone all out in creating a unique bespoke system. Its great to
see that you've gotten everything working with the mail server, relaying
mail against it and hopefully you'll get OTRS working with it too. The only
concern I'd have for such a system is that any issues you need to resolve in
future may be quite difficult because of the lack of others doing the same

I'm sure you've looked over this part of the documentation plenty of time
but anyway, the OTRS docs for mail configuration are at

I use entries in the system crontab for fetching mail from a remote server
*/3 * * * *    $HOME/bin/otrs.PostMasterMailbox.pl >> /dev/null

There are also entries in the crontab for using fetchmail which I have
commented out
#*/5 * * * * [ -x /usr/bin/fetchmail ] && /usr/bin/fetchmail -a >> /dev/null
#*/5 * * * *    /usr/bin/fetchmail -a --ssl >> /dev/null

I set up my crontab using the Cron.sh script in the OTRS bin directory
(/opt/otrs/bin/Cron.sh for me).

If you can't adapt any of the methods in the documentation to use with your
own install then maybe you could work around it.
A previous installation I worked with before (mail server was qmail and OTRS
was on a seperate RHEL 3 server) work in the following method;

* Mail was sent to a specifc 'support' mailbox on the mail server i.e.
* Mail received to the support mailbox was automatically forwared to the
otrs user on the OTRS server using the servers FQDN i.e.
otrs@otrsserver.mydomain.local (the forward sent the mail without changing
the envelope info such as the TO or FROM address, essentially a relay)
* OTRS then took the mail from the local mailbox (I can't remember if it was
through POP or fetchmail)
* Sending mail was then done by using the local sendmail via the qmail

Unfortunately I wasn't the one who configured it at the time so I can't
really be more specific.

I hope that helps somewhat,

On 29 June 2011 03:37, Robert Woodworth <robe...@a10networks.com> wrote:

> ** **
> I finally gave up, nuked the machine and reinstalled.****
> ** **
> Someone pointed out that Turnkey is an old version.****
> I used Turnkey because it is a very lightweight install.****
> It doesn’t saddle me with a ton of cruft.****
> I DID however run aptitude upgrade and it freshened everything that DID get
> installed,****
> So Im no longer running such an ancient version.****
> ** **
> Im purposely not doing a lot of setting up until I get mail working.****
> ** **
> Our central mail server runs ESMTP which thwarts normal mail installs and
> it took me weeks to figure out how****
> to make a server exchange mail with it.  I finally managed to make sasldb
> authenticate it successfully on other servers.****
> ** **
> This machine is proving a challenge.****
> ** **
> On my other machines, machines that send just need to have a sasl_passwd
> hash and saslauthd running to work.****
> The few machines that send have fetchmail to retrieve.****
> ** **
> From what I can tell, I should have OTRS handle this via its own internal
> cron system and NOT a crontab entry under /var/spool/cron ?****
> ** **
> One of the things driving me mad is an error in the mail logs about no
> valid method which USUALLY meant I misspelled “plaintext” in
> /etc/default/saslauthd but this time that is not the case and Im baffled.*
> ***
> ** **
> Ive been trying off and on a few months now.****
> Each time its something different, it never works, and I get disgusted and
> pout it away a few weeks before trying again.****
> ** **
> Im almost frustrated enough to throw in the towel and just use a Microsoft
> product which will probably work 1st crack out of the bag.  Id really
> rather use open source, but Im running out of time & patience.****
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