So you run fetchmail piped to procmail ?  Or do you use the built in OTRS
Postmaster Perl script ?



From: [] On Behalf Of
Gerald Young
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 5:42 AM
To: User questions and discussions about OTRS.
Subject: Re: [otrs] Bricked install


I'm a bigger fan of procmail than any other method. It reacts instantly, and
as often as makes sense, I'd recommend it to anyone.



Apologies if this is a duplicate answer. When I replied before, the system


On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 3:53 PM, Robert Woodworth <>

Outgoing mail works (FINALLY)  That one was my own stupidity.  I was missing
a deb that full Ubuntu has by default.

The solution that I finally got going on my other servers to send involves
installing postfix & sasl2-bin.

About 2 minutes of tweaking and outgoing mail works.

The problem with Turnkey, is that in its slimming down, by default, it does
not include sasl2-modules which cause my seemingly identical setup to still
claim invalid method.


That's fixed.


If you have a corp mail server these days, it usually takes quite a bit of
fiddling about to make new engineering machines in the lab able to send to
it.  Mastering auth mail took me a while, but its finally easy.


My Lurker server uses Fetchmail to get its mail.

The docs told me to do things that didn't work  and I finally came up with a
working implementation by trial and error.


Now back to OTRS.

OTRS seems to have 2 methods of getting mail from the mailserver.

There seems to be a way to use Fetchmail and it looks like it has some
postmaster process.

I like the postmaster process better, but I cant get any diagnostics out of
it to tell me where its failing.


My question of last night was which is better ?


I know I can send mail.  Now I need to verify that I can receive it as well.

Once that's working, I can chase the broken symbolic link for ZZZAuto and
hopefully not brick the machine again.






From: [] On Behalf Of Rory
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 3:21 AM

To: User questions and discussions about OTRS.
Subject: Re: [otrs] Bricked install


Hi Robert,

I've generally used the red-hat type distros myself so I may be making
suggestions that might not work with Debian type installs.

Have you been able to send mail outbound from the Turnkey server using any
mail application?
If you have that working but otrs will not send mail then it would be worth
trying the fetchmail method. I've not used the fetchmail method myself so I
won't be much help in that regard.

This may not be useful but if not maybe somebody in future will have use for
I believe building OTRS 3.x from source will work for Turnkey. I'm not sure
if Muhammad was talking about doing this or building a .deb file.
It might not be much help at this stage as you're under pressure to get a
completed product but the following is the basic procedure.

Install Perl and all the necessary modules listed at the above link.
Install an SQL database, normally mysql.
Install a web server, normally apache, and the necessary modules for it to
use the database and the Perl engine.
Install OTRS from the latest tar.gz ( 3.0.8 at this time )

The benefits of doing things this way is that you can build a more tailored
system with more up to date releases of the different elements. Considering
that you're using a pretty unique setup it might suit you better. It is more
time consuming mind you, especially the first time as you work out
dependancies for the different elements.

I've included below the otrs.conf I use with my apache server to have OTRS
as a Virtual Host on this server. Maybe you know all this already but using
Virtual Hosts in my web server allows me to run other websites on the same
server using unique hostnames for each (my OTRS install is reached using
support.mydomain.local and I've a cacti install at cacti.mydomain.local.
Both point to the same webserver which picks the website to display based on
the URL entered in the browser)

I hope something there is useful,

otrs.conf  --- included from the httpd.conf where the settings to enable
Virtual Hosts are configured.

<VirtualHost *:80>

    DocumentRoot "/opt/otrs/var/httpd/htdocs/"
    ServerName support
    ServerAlias support.mydomain.local
    ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/otrs-error_log"
    CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/otrs-access_log" common

        # agent, admin and customer frontend
        ScriptAlias /otrs/ "/opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/"
        Alias /otrs-web/ "/opt/otrs/var/httpd/htdocs/"

        # if mod_perl is used
        <IfModule mod_perl.c>

            # load all otrs modules
            Perlrequire /opt/otrs/scripts/

            # Apache::Reload - Reload Perl Modules when Changed on Disk
            PerlModule Apache2::Reload
            PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
            PerlModule Apache2::RequestRec

            # set mod_perl2 options
            <Location /otrs>
        #        ErrorDocument 403 /otrs/
                ErrorDocument 403 /otrs/
                SetHandler  perl-script
                PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
                Options +ExecCGI
                PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
                PerlOptions +SetupEnv
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all


        # directory settings
        <Directory "/opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/">
            AllowOverride None
            Options +ExecCGI -Includes
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
        <Directory "/opt/otrs/var/httpd/htdocs/">
            AllowOverride None
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all

        <IfModule mod_headers.c>
            <Directory "/opt/otrs/var/httpd/htdocs/skins/*/*/css-cache">
                <FilesMatch "\.(css|CSS)$">
                    Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000

            <Directory "/opt/otrs/var/httpd/htdocs/js_new/js-cache">
                <FilesMatch "\.(js|JS)$">
                    Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000


# MaxRequestsPerChild (so no apache child will be to big!)
MaxRequestsPerChild 4000


On 30 June 2011 09:20, Muhammad El-Sergani <> wrote:

Hi Robert,

Why not build your own source code? Or better, use another OS, such as
free CentOS and download its available rpm?
This is very well documented and is easy to setup the whole thing
including the OS well under 3 hours.
I'm not so experienced with Ubuntu, though I've tried it once, but
I've found it to be something rather lame compared to RedHat-like
distros... just my opinion guys :)

On Thursday, June 30, 2011, Robert Woodworth <>
>   Mixture of resultrs.Ive now lost count how many times Ive wiped the
machine and started from scratch. I finally found the missing piece of sasl,
so now I can send mail from the otrs box Turnkey OTRS seems to be a genuine
but very lean Ubuntu 10.04 OS. The newest .deb out there for OTRS is 2.4.7
so that's what Im running. While I can now send mail to otrs, Im still not
receiving yet.Because the 2.4 docs don't accurately explain 2.4.7, Im having
to guess a lot. Im still in the race to see if I can get a system into
production before the Microsoft group can. Right now, Im using the otrs
postmaster system from the otrs cron. SHOULD I be DOING THIS ? Or should I
just punt and set up fetchmail ? If I don't get mail coming on to the
machine, the rest is moot. Yes I know I should be running 3.0 or above, but
there aren't any debs for it yet so Im stuck with 2.4.7 Suggestions how to
get mail on to the machine ?


Thanks and Best Regards,
Muhammad El-Sergani.

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