Yeah fair enough. We all have CS degrees now - is it worth extending these to a 
Software Engineering degree/masters degree? Does any education provider offer 
something like this? My CS course spent alot of time dealing with topics which 
honestly I have never used, and will never use - PRNG's, assembly etc...

On 11 November 2010 13:51, David Walker <>wrote:

>  the developers at our work are just looking at doing our MCPD for .net 4
> and were wondering if anyone has any input or insight on the usefulness of
> these certifications?
In my view, they are completely worthless. Maybe some people are more
inclined to hire you on the basis of sitting a multiguess exam for an hour -
I don't know. All these certifications prove to me is that someone is adept
at content recall and a particular flavour of the month way of doing things.
They are easily obtained by people who wouldn't know what a principle of
computer science was if it ran over them with a race condition.

> I currently have a MCAD (.net 1.1 - assuming its still valid) and I
> honestly don't know if it helped me beyond ticking some recruiters boxes.
> Have they changed much? Are there any other industry certifications, perhaps
> independent ones, which are held in higher regard?
Everyone has their own opinions, but a bachelor's degree or better in
computer science and/or software engineering is the only sort of
qualification that floats my boat (for the line of work I'm in).

*David Connors* | |
Software Engineer
Codify Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 (7) 3210 6268 | Facsimile: +61 (7) 3210 6269 | Mobile: +61 417
189 363
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