On 11 November 2010 14:26, David Walker <david.wal...@planbonline.com>wrote:

> Yeah fair enough. We all have CS degrees now - is it worth extending these
> to a Software Engineering degree/masters degree?

I think it depends on the institution and course. When I was at uni I did a
bachelor of information technology with a major in SE and minor in AI.  I
think all the degrees are pretty well rounded these days with soft systems
methodology type stuff rather than just 100% dry comp sci.

> Does any education provider offer something like this? My CS course spent
> alot of time dealing with topics which honestly I have never used, and will
> never use - PRNG's, assembly etc...

The particular language programming task or language isn't really the issue
- it is all the foundation knowledge and theory you get in the process. That
stuff is good for a lifetime transcends language/runtime/programming

*David Connors* | da...@codify.com | www.codify.com
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Codify Pty Ltd
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