On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 9:07 AM, Bill McCarthy <
bill.mccarthy.li...@live.com.au> wrote:

> IMO, windows 8 is close, but it could be a lot better. I love the windows
> phone like UI **concept**, and I love the idea of the similarities between
> the different form factors, BUT the current release preview looks to me to
> be designed for content consumption not content creation. Where, for
> example, is My documents gone ?

I think you're right - it is very close. The problem is that there is a lot
of traditional desktop functionality that has become a casualty of MS' iPad

I reckon if the start menu came back and they got rid of the need for hot
spots in the corners it could be a lot more usable.

Metro vs desktop apps schism is pretty difficult to live with.

David Connors

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