IMO, windows 8 is close, but it could be a lot better. I love the windows
phone like UI **concept**, and I love the idea of the similarities between
the different form factors, BUT the current release preview looks to me to
be designed for content consumption not content creation. Where, for
example, is My documents gone ?

There's some weird divides between "desktop" and "metro" that really only
make sense to developer geeks who understand these are different runtime
platforms: but forcing that differentiation onto consumers seems wrong to
me. Why should they need to care if their app is "metro" or not?  Why do
running apps all appear when you hit alt+tab, but yet only one subset
appears in the windows desktop taskbar, and another subset in the "metro"
taskbar (nb the metro taskbar only shows one of the two apps that are
running if one of them is docked)

I think consumers' reaction will be mixed. Tablet users (especially those
with windows phones) will like win 8.  Existing users of win 7 that do a lot
of content creation are more likely to have that initial negative reaction
like Greg posted about, one that I've seen a lot of other people express

I do believe it can be made a lot better. The problem to me seems it's more
like running "metro" windows with traditional windows in a VM. There needs
to be better integration..

I really strongly believe that with just a handful of changes the experience
could be a lot better:

1. Make the start menu screen a pivot app with pivots that include "running"
applications, "My Documents" . (maybe include recent, favourites etc). The
"running" pivot pane would include all running apps as is currently in the
ALT+TAB list.

2. Get rid of the metro left pane taskbar (no longer needed if (1) is
implemented, and show all apps in the windows desktop taskbar

3. Allow metro apps to be run in windows !!    That is, allow them to be run
in a sizeable window alongside desktop apps. (via right click menu, and
allow for that preference to be saved)

4. Allow for flexible docking. The current "docking" for metro apps is way
too limited.

5. Include the start button on the desktop, and when pressed, show the metro
start menu screen but show it as not quite full screen, so as it has the
appearance of a window (eg top,left at 10, bottom and right in about 20 then
add a bit of a drop shadow)

There's probably more that could be done to improve integration eg why
doesn't the DPI settings also update the metro settings instead today you
have to change metro to "Large" separately and "Large" isn't the same slight
magnification as 125% is; why isn't screen resolution in computer settings,
instead you have to get to it via desktop or search for control panel etc. I
like the idea of simplification but the current bits feel more like

Anyway, I think win 8 is close, but all the good work done behind the scenes
to make windows 7 better will be lost to negative reactions to the metro
addition. I'm still hoping they will make some more changes but it doesn't
look like it from the preview, instead it looks like they are rushing to
market (realistically only four or so months left to make Christmas for
retail devices). I haven't given up hope yet though; I'm hoping for a
windows 8 mango release if worse comes to worse, but will still be sad to
see so much negative reaction to the first release.

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