Babies that don't sleep and infants that don't eat solids. I have learnt that babies sleep longer when and if they need to without teaching them and infants eat solids when and if they need to without forcing them. My 45 min cat nappers came to be sleeping for 11/2 hours on their own and my oldest son's (4) favourite foods are vegetables and fruit, after refusing anything other than bread and milk for well over a year. Patience is one of the hardest lessons as a parent.
Life according to me,
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rhonda
Sent: Sunday, 29 September 2002 10:53
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Alec's 6mo stats

Pinky wrote -

" how her sisters neighbours baby was the same age as mine and even
eating CHops!!! and sausages!! and she was TWICE the size of mine"


My reply to this would have been - well that Poor little baby - it's kidneys and liver will probably be totally ruined by the time it is 30 and it will probably have a heart attack at 45.   They have shortedn it's life by forcing it's body to break down foods that are fatty and high in cholesterole.  Why would you want me to try to kill my own baby like that!

The best response to people trying to force feed babies. 

I heard a classic today and I will try to relay the situation...

My firend cared for a little girl - petite little thing she was..3yrs old.  Underweight.  Breastfed but would not eat much.  There was some concern about the feeding as Mum would come home and she would Demand "Boobies NOW!"  And then refuse anything else.  The parents tried to coax her to eat and made such a fuss - "Please, eat this little itty bite for daddy!  theres a good girl, just half this little dried apricot, What of daddy eats a bit first"   etc.  This went on every mealtime.  Just to get a tiny bit of solid food into her. 

The other day my friend saw the chiild - about 12yrs old now.  Podgy - quite overweight, it actually shocked my fried to see the tiny little child had actually got fat.  I think that they made such an issue of food that it has actually given the child a weight problem.  If they had relaxed then she would probably have been fine but there was so much pressure to be doing the right thing socially in forcing solid food down her throat that I am sure that has caused a weight problem.    I think that perhaps they should have offered food before "boobies" but to breast feed and then make an issue of food was quite bizzare to me.



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