How about - "reply requested"  on emails that are of the sort that an answer is wanted - or help needed.
You are so right often things are posted just for interest and no reply is necessary - it is just a sharing thing and other times an oppinionis wanted.  I guess most postings are clear about that but sometimes when a question has not been made - just a statement it is hard to know if the sender has actually anticipated a response.  Any response is always welcome but if a posting is in need of one - a little phrase to indicate is probably a good idea.
I like your thinking.  Would not have thought it myself although there have been times when I have noticed that postings go seemingly unnoticed.  Often they are the ones that make you sit back and say "Wow, that was interesting."  But then no reply is forthcoming.
-------Original Message-------
Date: Monday, September 30, 2002 14:19:12
Subject: [ozmidwifery] love you wonderful women
you know, I am very aware that this list is of a 'professional' nature,
but I just love the honest postings that get sent.  I have heard some
 critics say that the list can be daunting and even clicky in some
cases...but for all those lurkers out there, could the clickiness be
misinterpreted from the friendships and support networks that are formed?
No offence meant to anyone!
I think that we should be conscious of the fact that some post things
 and there is sometimes no replies.  To inadvertently ignore a fellow
birth related supporter should try and be avoided at all costs.  In saying
 that though, many times I just send things that are rhetorical, I am
thankful to the list for allowing me to vent and to share my frustrations
and so forth.  I am also thankful for small things that make me laugh
for example: "Life according to me" from it!
Perhaps for those who are really seeking some guidance, feedback,
support or information a flag of "IMPORTANT" could be used and
then an effort should be made by those on the list to respond.
Perhaps I am just concerned that there are some who turn to the
list and don't get what they are seeking and go away feeling let down...
I must have my ' making the world a happier place hat on today'? 
Better go and see if I can use it on my kids before the screaming
banshee comes back!
with love and thanks to all
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith & love...
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