I know that others will know more about this but a hormone is actually produced which is produced more during fear or stress and it can actually stop labour.  Forgotten it's name but studies have been done on this.
I am sure fear plays a huger role in how womens labour progresses as my contractions stopped as soon as the ob walked into the room and i didn't have another until he left.  This is probably why he kept saying, "If she is in labour"  My body physically froze with fear of him, my mind went foggy and I could not function properly at all - I just wanted tor un but was trapped.   I was so terrified of him that I just did not want him to touch my baby and I am sure this is why my labour did not progress well.   I remember him taking off his coat and trowing it into the cot that was there 'for baby' and when he did that i knew that my baby was not going to be in that cot and I was not going to deliver him in that room.  I was just so appauled that he could put his clothing there as it would "put his germs" onto the cot.  That was my weird logic at the time, I could almost say that I saw his aura on him and his clothing and it was a really disgusting  - pure evil.  Even the thought that he cut me open makes my skin crawl - even now.  Yucky horrible man!
If someone had been just a little reassuring or possitive  - I think that things would have been a lot different.  I never pushed once even though i wanted to badly - i was so scared I just held it all in.  Each contraction I tried to pull my baby up inside me so that they could not get him. Thinking about it now I really feel that I faught against the contractions - I coped with them but did not go with them.
I am possitive that this is why I did not deliver him as I have never in my life ever been so scared of a person and this did affect my labour.
Even 8 weeks after I had George the Dr came to my shop and as he approached I took off into town - pushing the pram as fast as I could - he followed me and I was terrified - I ran as fast as I could and avoided him.  Thank goodness he has never tried to speak with me again as I just could not even look at him. I guess he realised that when i did not stop for a chat!  LOL  - Did not expect him to chase me down the road though.  What an idiot, I have a feeling he wanted to stop me making the complaints I made.
-------Original Message-------
Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 14:39:19
Subject: [ozmidwifery] birth and the power of the mind
I have often thought that the power of the mind would have a vast impact on labour and so forth. Haven't 'been there' for too many birth and each has been with women who were really sure, informed and so forth, but fear played a HUGE factor in my experiences.  Could people please share their knowledge on how fear can impact (or doesn't if the case may be) on labour lengths and especially in regards to vbac.  My vbac although supported and informed was still long and hard, but the second vbac was great as there was that self assuredly and understanding that my body knew what it was meant to do so my brain didn't fear what my uterus was doing. 
Also does anyone have comments on "is simply providing information alleviate fear?"  When women are 'empowered through information' is this really all that needs to be done to empower, or does faith have an important role to play?  Does the faith or trust of those around the birthing women have an impact on her empowerment?
There's a couple of questions for those beautiful midwifery students to ponder (and the seasoned professional).
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith & love...
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