Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith & love...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrea Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] birth and the power of the mind

> Hi Jo,
> Fear has a major impact on the progress of labour because it interferes
> with the natural flow of hormones.  Rather than explain it all here, you
> might like to read about this at:
> I believe that one of the main reasons that women wanting a vaginal birth
> after caesarean have slow labour is due to unresolved fear, perhaps of
> "failure to peform" again. Many women are left with the distinct
> (or perhaps are told directly) that their body didn't work "properly" the
> last time because it was "too small", "failed to progress" etc. This is a
> major challenge to one's capacity as a woman and may well impact on her in
> a negative way. I feel sure that the unwillingness to have one's ability
> put on the line again and face potential emotional trauma if "failure"
> occurs again, may underlie many women's acceptance of an elective
> for subsequent births.
> The other major factor of course, is the attitudes of the caregivers
> (midwives and doctors) who are with her during the next birth.  I've seen
> midwife ask the woman during a VE "How far did you get last time?" and
> the woman answered "5 cms", the midwife nodded with a knowing look on her
> face - the woman was 5 cms at the time. The midwife then went out and
> organised for the registrar to get ready for a caesar. It was funny (sad?)
> to watch the staff valiantly trying to get her shaved and prepped while
> baby was being pushed out a short while later!!!
> I did hear a very funny story in a workshop the other day when we were
> discussing the labelling of woman as "a trial of scar". One midwife said
> that hat her hospital they just write "TOS" on the front of the file.
> Another midwife said "does that make the doctor who will do the surgery a
> "TOS-SER?"  Much mirth.....
> Cheers
> Andrea
> At 12:59 20/11/2002, Jo & Dean Bainbridge wrote:
> >I have often thought that the power of the mind would have a vast impact
> >on labour and so forth. Haven't 'been there' for too many birth and each
> >has been with women who were really sure, informed and so forth, but fear
> >played a HUGE factor in my experiences.  Could people please share their
> >knowledge on how fear can impact (or doesn't if the case may be) on
> >lengths and especially in regards to vbac.
> -----
> Andrea Robertson
> Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education
> web:
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