Hi All,
I left Sydney in 1995 but back then Phil Cocks whose rooms are at Westmead and who referred his normal women to the Birthing Centre at Blacktown was the most pro normal birth obstetrician I had met or worked with in Western Sydney.
Maybe there is someone currently working in that area of Sydney who can give you more up-to-date information.

<html><div><P><FONT face="Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif" size=2>Leanne Wynne <BR>Midwife in charge of "Women's Business" <BR>Mildura Aboriginal Health Service&nbsp; Mob 0418 371862</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
<P align=left>&nbsp;</P></div></html>

From: "Ron  & Nicole Christensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] babies in recovery room
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 13:17:38 +1100

Messagethanks for that everyone -
does anyone know if it is normal practice to have babies in recovery at Westmead???? (my friend having baby there) ALSO - Does anyone know much about genital herpes and natural birth??? and/or any Sydney obs or hospitals open to giving it a go (ie. putting an op site on a lesion) rather than whisking away for caesarian... i'm just having grave fears for my friend - because she is 'open' to the fact that if she has an active lesion at full-term - she will automatically be wheeled into surgery.. when I have been told that you can actually put an op-site on a lesion.... just don't know of anyone willing to do this???
re. homebirth for George Negus - I'm sure you mean someone currently pregnant - but if not - I am happy to donate my homebirth video from just 4 mths ago!!!!!!!

kindest regards,

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Wayne and Cas
  Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 10:44 AM
  Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] babies in recovery room

Nic, it is normal practice to have bub in recovery so long as both mother and baby are well. I had both mine in rcovery with me... in fact I demanded it even with Liam. That was hard enough... as soon as I woke up from the operation I ripped the oxygen mask off my face and demanded they give me my baby so I could put him to breast. I wasn't about to let them F%&$%^ that up!

Congrats to Andrea... they didn't give you much time did they? I thought you did very well under the circumstances. I haven't watched the C footage and don't know if I can, but recorded the whole show. Thanks Sonia for your call... I was feeling sick just seeing the woman in her surgical gown so it was a timely moment. I think we need to take this further than just emails and phone calls to channel 9 (please keep them coming in and encourage everyone you know to do so as well). I think we need to make a formal complaint to the AMA and NASOG about Dr Ric Bastard's (sorry Gordon's) comments saying that a previous lower horizontal scar is a reason for another caesarean and that the woman's labour would be likely to go as previous when the conditions were entirely different. If we don't get a good response from either body then we take it to the press to say that we've made a formal complaint about this Dr Ric. We can discredit him because we have evidence on our side and it will have to be consumers who will do it... consumers who have had homebirths or at least natural VBACs.

He can't back off because he's been quoted on national tv. I am also going to followup again Ross Coulthart on the Sunday Show and put the hard word on him. Gather your evidence folks and lets deal with these wankers. Maybe we should also approach George Negus. Maybe he'll air a homebirth on his programme! : ). Any takers? : )

On fire.... Cas.

  Cas, Wayne, Liam and Daniel McCullough

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