On Friday, December 05, 2003 9:56 AM Marilyn wrote:
I would just like to say we try to have the babies in recovery with the mum, unfortunately it does depend on staffing (the recovery nurses are not midwives), but we do know it is optimal and really try for it to happen.
Was wondering.... if the ideal scenario of mother/babe contact after sugery can't be guaranteed then perhaps where possible (I guess I'm talking elective c.section here) mum could be encouraged to sleep with a bunny rug for a night and then have babe swaddled in it for comfort.
Is this being done already?
Probably a weird idea, but I would love to have had that opportunity when I had Nathaniel whisked away from me.
Like others, I felt so sorry for that little babe on the Today Show.  A very sterile and cold welcome to the world.
Sonia W.

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