Hi Nicole - where I work, the family is not separated at all for any birth, unless the baby is ill enough to require nursery care. ALl babies are weighed in the mother's room when she returns to the unit, and in the birthing room for (thevast majority of mothers not requiring/requesting caesarean birth. They also have midwifery care through the whole caesarean experience.
Regards, Lynne
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 8:54 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] babies in recovery room

I was just curious to know if it is normal practice for newborn babies to be in recovery with their Mums after a ceasarian.... I noticed they had the baby in with the mother on the Today show this morning... and wondered if it was for television,
as I remember when I stayed with my husband in recovery after leg surgery a couple of years .... a woman was in there after her caesarian - for some time - no baby in sight....therefore a very long and sad separation for mother and baby in those crucial first moments....
i'd love to hear others experiences...
kind regards,
ps. did the new mother appear cool and detached from the whole experience, to everyone else watching?? would have loved to have seen the difference in her responses following a homebirth.....

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