where I worked before we got to the stage where bub was with mum asap, she was moved onto her ward bed in OT, transferred to the ward WITH BABY IN HER ARMS. No going to recovery, (very small hospital, minimal staffing). In eight years I never saw a mum require any treatment post C/S except for routine obs etc.  Mum and bub AND dad were kept together. Maureen
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Ron & Nicole Christensen
Sent: Friday, 5 December 2003 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] babies in recovery room

I like that idea Sonia - although I think babies staying with their mothers should be really pushed... just feel so terribly sad when i think of all those babies having such a violent entry into the world...and then robbed of the opportunity of snuggling up to mum and having a feed...skin to skin afterwards.... i wanted to bop Tracey when she commented quite jokingly, that the dear baby hadn't 'shut up' since he was wrenched out of his mother's cosy womb.... if that wasn't a light bulb moment ... but no-one around 'got it' did they???!!!! 
it's no wonder such separation has a high risk of leading to impaired mother-baby bonding; PND and unsuccessful breastfeeding.
it was interesting to see my 11 yr old's reaction to the caesarian - as he was there for his two younger brother's (natural) births (the most recent being a homebirth - hooray!). he was clearly upset by the 'birth' - and pretty angry with the reactions afterwards - ie Tracey's over-the-top and forced jubilation.... as well as the mushy e-mails that they read out afterwards (more propaganda).
i saw that they defended themselves yet again this morning... saying that the woman NEEDED the caesarian... and that they represented the other side of the argument yesterday! what the?!!
i have seen that the other breakfast show 'sunrise'; has a campaign running about 'making the switch' to sunrise.... well, i've well and truly made the switch away from the Today show ... yet at the same time, haven't been too keen on some comments they have made in the past also....ie. after Pat Brodie was interviewed about midwifery-led models.... their view (and they shared it!!!), was that you NEED an obstetrician for the 'just in case' scenario.  oh dear......
----- Original Message -----
From: *G and S*
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] babies in recovery room

On Friday, December 05, 2003 9:56 AM Marilyn wrote:
I would just like to say we try to have the babies in recovery with the mum, unfortunately it does depend on staffing (the recovery nurses are not midwives), but we do know it is optimal and really try for it to happen.
Was wondering.... if the ideal scenario of mother/babe contact after sugery can't be guaranteed then perhaps where possible (I guess I'm talking elective c.section here) mum could be encouraged to sleep with a bunny rug for a night and then have babe swaddled in it for comfort.
Is this being done already?
Probably a weird idea, but I would love to have had that opportunity when I had Nathaniel whisked away from me.
Like others, I felt so sorry for that little babe on the Today Show.  A very sterile and cold welcome to the world.
Sonia W.

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