I'll chime in. In the P2P world, O(log^2 N) may not be efficient, but it may be the cheapest in terms of resources. For instance, a walker may take a while to find a resource in a small world topology, but it expends little effort at each node. Conversely, to attain fewer hops, that also means a larger resource at each node to index and process the index queries. There are also ways to use the hubs in such networks to greatly improve efficiency.

The small world is also not necessarily the complete network or only topology available to an application. The number of hops in a search is not the same as a the number of hops that may be applied to communications. Thus even when one part is inefficient, the other may be ideal.

On Mar 20, 2006, at 2:42 PM, Ian Clarke wrote:

On 20 Mar 2006, at 12:11, Bob Harris wrote:
There is a lot of hype around small world networks. They have
a catchy name. And they are easy to code up. But they have terrible

It is rather courageous (or perhaps simply foolish) of you to dismiss an entire avenue of study so cavalierly, time will tell whether you are right.

 Who wants O(log^2 N) performance?

It has already been pointed out that actual route lengths are far more important than the order of the route lengths in practical networks. It has also been pointed out that O(log^2 N) performance presumes a fixed routing table size, where in most if not all practical deployments, routing table sizes are increased with the size of the network.

Did I really see simulations talking about 40+ hops?

You might have, but I can't recall any such simulations mentioned in this thread.


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