On Mon, Mar 20, 2006 at 02:00:50PM -0800, coderman wrote:
> i should distinguish between unstructured small worlds (what i've been
> calling small worlds) and highly structured overlay small worlds
> (CAN/Chord/Pastry/etc).
> where's Zooko's p2p ontology page? :)

That's an important distinction.  I'd suggest you say "unstructured"
instead of "small world" then, because the Chord, Pastry, and company
are more small-world-ish than unstructured overlays like Gnutella.

(specifically because they have a much higher clustering coefficient
than Gnutella)

Daniel Stutzbach                           Computer Science Ph.D Student
http://www.barsoom.org/~agthorr                     University of Oregon
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